When I think of disability I think of what I am limited to and what I can't do in life. Disability is not what I would like to be known for or recognized for as much as anyone with an intellectual disability of any kind. Yet our society can be discriminatory towards those who have more difficulty doing every day tasks than people with "normal" mental capability. Is it normal mental capability? No. I don't think so. Humans aren't even done evolving yet for me to say that. When there are 22 main DNA chromosomes that are not male and sex chromosomes. Therefore when we haven't activated most of our DNA it makes me believe that we are not totally evolved yet and are still very much amongst the "physical" World and not the "Spiritual" World yet which is the next level beyond where humans are presently at which is also known as the third dimension of reality and the fourth dimension is time and space or the astral plane. If humans are lead to believe that approximately only 5% of the brain is used then what does the other 95% hold? What kind of power does it produce along with cellular growth? Along with DNA activation? Spiritual practices of Qi Gong, Yoga, meditation, Reiki, and other various forms of healing the Ability Alliance of West Alabama can consider for more effective treatment of the physche and mental illnesses. Unity has always been here on Earth yet we may have forgotten its true existence within each of us being intellectually disabled or not.
Healing practices such as the Ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong pronounced (chee gong) can actually help clients of the Ability Alliance of West Alabama with stress management, the immune system, and over all health. Therefore creating more physical and spiritual well being for individuals experiencing intellectual disabilities and turning disability into more ability.
Another benefit of this is that Medicare and Medicaid can actually be applied to it as well because it is a healthy practice just like exercising is for the body and mind and can save money for health care providers. This is a good suggestion for mental healing and spiritual bliss as well. The video below is a 10 minute PBS special on Qi Gong by Francesco Garri Garripoli on what Qi Gong is and what the ancient Chinese healing practice can do for your health, and also displays some basic stances of practice.
Grandmaster Doo Wai Healing QiGong Meditation
QiGong Chi Kung:Six Healing Sounds
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