Another element of my volunteering for Americorps VISTA is with going to resume and interviewing classes with clients that the Ability Alliance of West Alabama represents. The classes are given by Tuscaloosa One place which is a family resource center that educates the community on resume writing, work ethics, interviewing skills, and barriers to successful employment. Also Tuscaloosa One Place has GED classes and offers reading, writing, social studies, science, and mathematics classes for the preparation of the GED diploma.
Yet with Americorps VISTA I will focus my efforts on the job classes portion of what Tuscaloosa One Place does. I will be going to Tuscaloosa One Place with clients that are getting work soon thereafter and need assistance with resume writing and interviewing skills. I am currently doing this in Tuscaloosa at the ARC of Tuscaloosa in the mornings and then will be going to interviewing and resume classes with two of our clients starting next Tuesday March 9th. It will take a good amount of patience and work but it will pay off once work is acquired for our clients. The time frame in which I will be working with the clients is six weeks and then by mid April the goal is to get them employed.
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