Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Working with 3 main clients now for work

Of the four Americorps VISTA members that the Ability Alliance has now only two of the VISTA members are working on employment issues for people with intellectual disabilities. Currently we are working with three clients for employment and helping them to find and retain work. Work will be found where it can be found and or if it needs to be created it will be created. Employment can be created as an investment project of the communities that we are working with and in if none of the jobs that we find are suitable for our clients.
However in order to make sure employers can hire our clients then we need to meet with employers in the communities that we are representing. Also we need to make sure that they are accepting of the clients that we refer to them for work opportunity. If they do not accept our clients then we can not work with them as employers. As the Ability Alliance of West Alabama we would prefer that there is handicap accessible parking, good wage benefits to our clients, and the same treatment given to our clients as to other workers at a place employment. We will however make employers very informed about the whole process of employment and what kinds of benefits an employers receives, etc. Besides that our goal is to get these first three clients into employment of their choice.

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