Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meeting with Ala-WIN counselor and Tuscaloosa ARC about job benefits for client

Earlier today I attended a meeting that is a part of the job process for those receiving supplemental security income, and or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. The meeting was to inform the client that I am job coaching on how her benefits will be affected and or helped by working. The meeting was with a counselor from Ala-WIN(The Alabama Work Incentives Network). Ala-WIN helps supplemental security income recipients and social security disability insurance between the ages of 14 and 64 understand their work options so that they can make good choices about their money and their employment. The Alabama Work Incentives Network is administered by Independent Living Resources of greater Birmingham Incorporated and United Cerebral Palsy of greater Birmingham. Ala-WIN serves 38 Northern and central counties of Alabama while the Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services 29 counties in the southern part of the state doing the same work incentives program.
These agencies exist to assist Social Security beneficiaries understand federal and state work incentives. Alsos staff are on site to assist beneficiares in knowing the impact of earned income on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and any other public benefits that they may receive.
A meeting regarding social security disability insurance and or income is very common when working with people with developmental disabilities. Especially when a client is working a limited amount of hours and or salary which goes up to 423,000 a year. Anything earned over $23,000 is exempt from Ala-WIN and or any disability income program. Shortly after our meeting about the client's benefits we will be starting her first work week on May 9th, 2010 with 12 hours of work a week to start.

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