Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Offense taken-Film about the "R" word

People with intellectual disabilities have taken offense to the word "retarded" when referring to their disability. They would much rather have their abilities understood first before their disabilities and be accepted in society. I have been working with people with intellectual disabilities and I have had to set aside any old views I have had about people with intellectual disabilities from before and see opportunities with regards to working with the clients we serve. It can be difficult but it is what I need to do to make my experience as an Americorps VISTA worthwhile and meaningful not just for me but for many other people that I work with too. This being said it is unfortunate that society still uses statements like "celebretards" and also in a recent movie called Tropic Thunder starring Ben Stiller he was acting developmentally challenged. Prejudices in our World should be a thing of the past but they still persist due to ignorance of others and of misundertandings of varying ethnic groups, arrogance, and downright meanness. This video below goes over these issues and is 26 minutes long and is called "Offense Taken." Please watch it to become more informed on what has made organizations such as People First and Self Advocates Becoming Empowered into what they have become today.

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