Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Money As Debt

This is a movie made and produced by Canadian animator Paul Grignon about money and how it was first created for a means of accounting for goods and services by trade. Also it explains how money is being created now in our current monetary system. This is a movie for those who are just learning about why our monetary system is so bad and or wanting to learn about our current central banking system of money. It deals with the major problems of fractional reserve banking, creation of money by debt, exponential growth beyond our means, and also the issue of continuous inflation.
Pay close attention to how the banks are involved and how many past presidents, former bankers, politicians, and others alike are quoted about their views on money. Following this film in this blog will be the second "Money As Debt" film called "Promises Unleashed" which is again made and produced by Canadian animator Paul Grignon.

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