Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Understanding how the community currency system works

This is a video on how the community currency system works based on how the system of money had originally started out. The following film is an animated film by Canadian animator Paul Grignon which is called "The Essence Of Money, a Medieval Tale." The movie starts off with the standard trading of goods, services, and products and then goes to the bartering system and then to a system of community currency. Grignon does a great job at explaining how the money system worked in basic terminology from the medieval times up until now and how it can be made better in this short animated film. Although the proposed change to our monetary system is an online system for digital coins to be traded by exchanges it is just one of the many solutions available for alternative trading and currencies.

"All goods therefore must be measured by some one thing...
now this unit is in truth, demand, which holds all things together."
-Aristotle 384 B.C.-322 B.C.

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