Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Using People First Language

People First Language is a new kind of language that is being using for those who are disabled and intellectually disabled as well in which its purpose is to empower those who have either physical problems and or intellectual disabilities. People first language is politically correct language and focuses on not dehumanizing people with disabilities. The language emphasizes that people are put first and the disability is put second although it is still a part of them. The disability community is therefore respected as a group of and to rightly define themselves as they would like to and they can choose their own name. The following video on "Using People First Language" describes when to use people first language, examples of people first language, descriptions of people that need to change, and a quick quiz on what is acceptable in describing a person with disabilities. The video also defines what is a self advocate and how to go about being one in short and clearly defined steps and also how to start a People First organization Chapter. How to support a People First group is also explained in this video.

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